No tickets in basket!
{{moment(eventBooking.start).format('ddd, Do MMM YYYY, h:mm a')}}
Savings starting from £{{this.PotentialDiscountSaving_Priority_Plus.toFixed(2)}} on this order when you join as a Priority Plus member. Savings starting from £{{this.PotentialDiscountSaving_Priority_Plus.toFixed(2)}} on this order when you join as a Priority Plus member. Our Priority Plus Membership is just £{{this.UpsellMembershipPrice.toFixed(2)}} per year.
And remember you can save money at our cafe and bars as well as many local restaurants!
Savings starting from £{{this.PotentialDiscountSaving_Priority_Plus.toFixed(2)}} on this order when you join as a Priority Plus member. Savings starting from £{{this.PotentialDiscountSaving_Priority_Plus.toFixed(2)}} on this order when you join as a Priority Plus member. Our Priority Plus Membership is just £{{this.UpsellMembershipPrice.toFixed(2)}} per year.
And remember you can save money at our cafe and bars as well as many local restaurants!
Total Discount: £{{parseFloat(BasketData.totalDiscount).toFixed(2)}}