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Run At It Laughing

Run At It Laughing

Fri 9 - Sat 10 May, Various Times

£12 for the First Episode

£8 for Subsequent Episodes

£40 for Weekend Pass HERE

Running time: Each episode is 90 minutes, followed by a 30 minute interval

Run At It Shouting presents

RUN AT IT LAUGHING - 10 new comedies by Mark Ravenhill

A world where everyone is a fool. Identities are mistaken and swapped. Misunderstandings
abound. Sex and money are on everyone’s mind. And somehow everything works out for
the best.

Bawdy, farcical and humane, Run At It Laughing is an epic celebration of comedy and our
shared humanity.

Based on scenarios first published in Italy in 1611, Run At It Laughing is a cycle of 10 90-minute comedies presented as rehearsed readings over two days.

Each play can be enjoyed by itself or as part of the sequence.

Playwright Mark Ravenhill (whose work has been produced by the RSC, National Theatre
and Royal Court) has written all 10 new plays and directs over 100 actors, as part of
Run At It Shouting’s professional actor development.

All profits from this event will be donated to the Nia Project, which delivers cutting edge
services to end violence against women and children.

To book a Weekend Pass to all performances click HERE.

Event Details Video

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Wilton’s offers group booking rates for 10 people or more. Please contact the Box Office by either phoning 020 7702 2789 or clicking the button below to email the Box Office!


Wilton’s Music Hall