
Presented by Dmytro Morykit

29th November . 7:30PM .
£11 - £18 full price | £9 - £16 concessions

Maestro Dmytro Morykit returns to Wilton’s with his exquisite live performance to F. W. Murnau's landmark vampire film Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror, offering audiences a fresh and immersive experience to this classic piece of cinema. 
This German expressionist film was first released in 1922 and its timeless striking imagery gives an innate sense of the sinister which is heightened by Wilton’s unique atmosphere and history. 
Morykit’s concert, Land of Spectres, provides a modern musical context and amplifies the horror of the film – both the incredible performance by Max Schreck as the vampire and the shattering of naïve trust in a good world. 

About Dmytro
From the classical tradition, Morykit has embraced many genres including rock, pop and theatre. His concert is a haunting musical narrative, responding to emotions rather than dramatic action. His compositions and performance showcase a mastery of the piano’s range as an acoustic instrument. 
Running time: 1 hours 40 minutes, plus interval 
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